Reasons Why You Should Feel Good About Eating All Kinds of Cheese

Posted by Sara Chinnock on

Reasons Why You Should Feel Good About Eating All Kinds of Cheese

Cheese has a relatively poor reputation for being unhealthy as it's one of the key ingredients in some of the most indulgent foods in America, such as pizzas, cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, and many others. It's not surprising that some people tend to overeat cheese, which is not good because it is high in saturated fat and salt. I hate to break it to you, but overindulging in cheese may cause high blood pressure and increase cholesterol levels.

But cheer up, cheese lovers! Nibbling on cheese is good if you don't gorge yourself. Adding it to your diet offers many health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here are four incredible reasons why you should feel good about eating all kinds of cheese:



Cheese is a fantastic source of calcium and protein for developing strong bones and muscles. Whey protein, a supplement that helps grow lean muscle mass, is abundant in cheeses like Cottage cheese and ricotta.



It has been found that chewing cheddar cheese two minutes after consuming a sugary food causes the tooth plaque to become less acidic; Gouda, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, Swiss, and Blue Cheese, too. In addition, cheese promotes saliva production, which helps to re-balance the Ph in your mouth—less harmful acid and fewer cavities.



Studies show that eating foods rich in CLA, like cheese, can help promote cardiovascular health, strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and lower cancer risk. The cheeses Blue, Brie, Edam, and Swiss have been found to have much greater CLA content than other kinds of cheese.



Aged cheeses, including Swiss, provolone, Gouda, cheddar, Edam, Gruyère, and cottage cheese, all contain probiotics. Probiotics are good or helpful bacteria that help eliminate extra harmful bacteria to keep your gut healthy. Cheese is a delicious way to increase the good bacteria in your body.

Is eating cheese your guilty pleasure? Well, now you know you don't have to feel so guilty anymore as long as you don't overconsume them!


Sara's Boxes & Boards offers hand-crafted charcuterie boxes and boards containing local St. Louis artisan items to satisfy your cheese cravings. Every board includes up to 6 kinds of cheese, and it also comes with pecans, mouth-watering chocolates, and several cuts of Boarshead meat to feast your eyes on so you have more variety. Place your order today! 

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